Panorama | Gianluca Abbate

Panorama is the first chapter of a trilogy on the city. The video is a review on a polis that stretches away over an infinite global space with no more uninhabited places nor frontiers where we can take refuge. In this landscape we cannot see any way of readmission for those who have once been excluded, and this recalls imaginary worlds in search of a balance.

Best short film at 32° Torino Film Festival
Nastro d'Argento 2016
Videoformes 2015 Award Clermont-Ferrand
Visioni Urbane Award at 21° Visioni Italiane
Genova Film Festival Award – Special Jury Award / Special Mention
Call4Robot Award | Robot Festival Buenos Aires
Fondazione Libero Bizzarri | Andrea Pazienza Prize

Regia e postproduzione / Gianluca Abbate
Sound Design / Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri
