Microbioma has been published on Montem | By Gianluca Abbate & Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri

Microbioma by Gianluca Abbate & Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri

Microbioma by Gianluca Abbate & Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri

Microbioma by Gianluca Abbate & Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri

Microbioma has been published on Montem

by Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri & Gianluca Abbate

Video on youtube https://youtu.be/idWUvOWHQQU

Video on vimeo https://vimeo.com/70249488

Microbioma is a video art project conceived as a series. The first work consists in projecting on a wall many tiny moving figures, which through the cyclic repetition in different sizes would create visual and rhythmical patterns. The figures are at first simple flowers, small jellyfish, and then a hemorrhage/drain swarming with objects, and they move shining over darker backgrounds which depict ancient frescoes and mosaic decorations.

The videos are in full HD (1920x1080), according to the destination technology, and they can be limited to a single channel screening or be adapted to multiscreening systems.

Microbioma recreates a ambient where the objects belonging to an imploded reality fluctuate as in a vortex. No perspective nor reflection, no research of sense, no transcendence, no ghost nor symbol, but an ocean of images, signs in a neverending combination. The frescoes on the background lose their meaning and they also become serial images, integrating themselves in the constellation of the objects-signs.

“While objects are neither flora nor fauna, they give the impression of being a proliferating vegetation; a jungle where the new savage of modern times has trouble finding the reflexes of civilization.” (JEAN BAUDRILLARD).
